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Current Perspectives on Auditory Processing Disorders

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1.  (C)APD is observed in the following populations:
  1. children
  2. adults
  3. Both A & B
  4. None of the above
2.  A test battery of central auditory function should:
  1. be the same for all patients.
  2. examine a variety of processes appropriate to the reported areas of difficulty.
  3. examine one primary auditory process.
  4. none of the above
3.  Individuals with the following condition may demonstrate a reduced central auditory function:
  1. head trauma
  2. neurological involvement involving the auditory system
  3. aging auditory system
  4. all of the above
4.  Individuals undergoing evaluation for (C)APD should be at least ____ years of age.
  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 7
  4. 9
5.  Mental age and cognitive function:
  1. Does not affect test (C)APD test results.
  2. Should only be considered in the pediatric population.
  3. Should only be considered in the adult population.
  4. May potentially affect test results and should be considered in all populations.
6.  Evaluation of individuals with peripheral hearing loss:
  1. Does not effect (C)APD test results.
  2. Does effect (C)APD test results.
  3. Should not be done.
  4. None of the above.
7.  As a general rule, for a positive diagnosis of (C)APD to be made, an individual must:
  1. Demonstrate reduced performance on at least two test measures.
  2. Demonstrate performance at least 3 standard deviations below normal on one test measure.
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of the above
8.  One test of central auditory function which may be beneficial in evaluating the appropriateness of a binaural amplification is the ________ Test:
  1. Dichotic Digits
  2. Low-Pass Filtered Speech
  3. Gaps-In-Noise
  4. Compressed Speech
9.  Changes in (C)APD can be monitored and evaluated by:
  1. Behavioral Re-Assessment
  2. Observations in Functional Improvement
  3. Electrophysiological Monitoring
  4. All of the Above
10.  The most appropriate techniques for (re)habilitation of (C)APD are:
  1. Environmental modifications
  2. Deficit driven therapies
  3. Compensatory strategies
  4. None of the above

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