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Exam Preview

Embracing the Tinnitus Patient: Making Treatment and Reimbursement a Practical Reality

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1.  What are two inventories that will aid you in understanding your patient’s overall tinnitus impact?
  1. Tinnitus Reaction Questionnaire (TRQ) and the Tinnitus Impact Questionnaire (TIQ)
  2. Harold’s Tinnitus Inventory (HIT) and Reba’s Questions to the Tinnitus Patient (RQTP)
  3. Beck’s Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Tinnitus Reaction Questionnaire (TRQ)
  4. Tinnitus Reaction Questionnaire (TRQ) and Harold’s Tinnitus Inventory (HIT)
2.  What are the key elements involved when providing effective sound therapy for tinnitus treatment?
  1. Reduce attention drawn to tinnitus
  2. Reduce loudness of the tinnitus
  3. Substitute a less disruptive noise for an unpleasant one
  4. Give the patient a sense of control
  5. All of the above
3.  What are some of the therapeutic aspects of music?
  1. Successful in anxiety and pain management
  2. Direct path to limbic system
  3. Elicits Sympathetic Nervous System
  4. Equivalence to PMR training
  5. All of the above
4.  Which Neuromonics product has datalogging as part of it’s feature set?
  1. The Wind Chime
  2. The Sanctuary
  3. The Respite
  4. The Oasis
5.  How is the Neuromonics stimulus different from other products designed for tinnitus patients?
  1. The Neuromonics stimulus uses music to positively engage the limbic system, working to counteract the stress response associated with tinnitus perception
  2. The Neuromonics stimulus has been spectrally modified based on the patient’s hearing thresholds in order to feed their individual auditory system
  3. The Neuromonics stimulus provides stimulation out to 12,500 Hz in order to provide as wide of a frequency response as possible to counteract the brain’s compensatory mechanism that is generating the tinnitus signal
  4. All of the above
6.  Patient’s were able to achieve effective relief of their tinnitus an average of _______dB lower once the stimulus was customized for their hearing thresholds.
  1. 5
  2. 10
  3. 16
  4. 42
7.  Tinnitus interaction at a comfortable volume is advantageous to patients in what way(s)?
  1. Directly facilitates sleep onset, relaxation, & concentration
  2. Speech intelligibility preserved
  3. All of the above
  4. None of the above
8.  What is the CPT code used for the assessment of tinnitus?
  1. 92625
  2. 92857
  3. 92657
  4. 92456
9.  What items should be included when submitted a claim for a Neuromonics device?
  1. Letter of Medical Necessity
  2. Chart Note
  3. Picture and description of the device
  4. Summary of Neuromonics Clinical Efficacy
  5. All of the above
10.  What CPT code should be used when billing Neuromonics devices to insurance?
  1. A3459
  2. E1399
  3. T4568
  4. L7890

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