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Exam Preview

Deafness with Autism: A Music Therapy Perspective

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1.  The most recent CDC data state the prevalence rate of ASD as:
  1. 1 in 40
  2. 1 in 59
  3. 1 in 88
  4. 1 in 150
2.  Recent surveys have revealed that _____children with hearing loss also receive services for autism spectrum disorders (ASD):
  1. 1 in 40
  2. 1 in 59
  3. 1 in 88
  4. 1 in 150
3.  According to the NAC 2009 Standards Report, music therapy is:
  1. An established intervention
  2. An emerging intervention
  3. An unestablished intervention
  4. A promising intervention
4.  Several studies have demonstrated that Improvisational Music Therapy elicited significant gains in:
  1. Communication
  2. Stereotypic behaviors
  3. Social skills
  4. Gross motor skills
5.  Which Music Therapy Assessment Tool is appropriate to use with deaf children with ASD?
  1. No such tool exists
  2. MT-MRB
  3. IMCAP-ND®
  4. A Four Step Assessment Model
6.  When presenting novel sounds, it may be helpful to:
  1. Say, “listen” and present the sound loudly
  2. Say, “listen” and present the sound softly
  3. Present the sound source visually and then play it loudly
  4. Present the sound source visually and then play it softly
7.  A music intervention (s) that could best facilitate pre-verbal communication is:
  1. Improvisation on a drum
  2. Improvisation on a xylophone
  3. Listening to a CD
  4. Both A & B
8.  A music intervention (s) that could best facilitate social skills development is
  1. Singing nursery rhymes
  2. Singing name songs
  3. Playing instruments along with a CD
  4. Watching children’s YouTube videos
9.  Anxiety, which can often promote undesirable behavior, can be minimized by:
  1. Using a visual schedule
  2. Establishing a routine to the session
  3. Presenting choices to the child
  4. All of the above
10.  One immediate way to utilize music as an intervention in a therapy session is to:
  1. Listen to a CD
  2. Watch a DVD
  3. Use Piggy Back songs
  4. Teach a round such as Row Your Boat

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