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20Q: Understanding and Supporting Reluctant Users of Remote Microphone Technology

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1.  Remote microphone technology improves the signal-to-noise ratio. Hawkins found that the FM advantage over a hearing aid was equivalent to an improvement in SNR of:
  1. 3 dB
  2. 10 dB
  3. 15 dB
  4. 25 dB
2.  A factor that impacts a teens use of a recommended FM system is:
  1. self esteem
  2. hassle factor
  3. performance of the device
  4. all of the above
3.  Which of the following is NOT a factor discussed in this study that impacts FM use in teens?
  1. teacher support
  2. age at which FM use started
  3. brand of FM system
  4. academic motivation
4.  A comprehensive protocol for selecting, fitting and managing remote microphone technology is available from:
  1. AudiologyOnline
  2. American Academy of Audiology
  3. American Academy of Pediatrics
  4. Hearing Industries Association
5.  According to the Franks (2008) data, it appears that audiologists can manage approximately _____ of the reasons for students FM acceptance and use?
  1. none
  2. 10%
  3. half
  4. all
6.  According to the Franks (2008) data, what percent of the total group reported "social" as a reason for non-use of an FM system?
  1. 10%
  2. 25%
  3. 40%
  4. 53%
7.  A consideration in determining whether to recommend FM should be:
  1. acoustical environment
  2. social/emotional status
  3. support considerations
  4. all of the above
8.  In terms of mandating FM use by including it in the IEP, Dr. Johnson recommends:
  1. first completing the steps in the remote microphone hearing assistance technologies clinical practice guidelines, and getting the student's buy-in
  2. putting FM use in the IEP only as a last resort for uncooperative students
  3. not mentioning FM use in the IEP or it can never be removed
  4. first setting up a rewards/reinforcement/tracking program to ensure the student's compliance with FM use
9.  Requirement for services under a 504 Plan is:
  1. evidence of a disability
  2. financial need
  3. sufficient academic need
  4. none of the above
10.  The DOJ/OSEP joint statement focuses on:
  1. achieving a +15dB SNR
  2. effective communication
  3. reducing reverberation in classrooms
  4. vocational rehabilitation

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