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Vanderbilt Audiology's Journal Club: Listen Up! Highlights from Recent Research in Pediatric Audiology

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1.  Inaccurate estimates of behavioral thresholds from ABR results can lead to
  1. Inappropriate diagnosis of hearing loss
  2. Over- or underestimation of hearing loss
  3. Poorly fit amplification devices
  4. All of the above
2.  The difference between ABR and behavioral thresholds varies by:
  1. Degree of hearing loss (ABR threshold)
  2. Frequency
  3. None of these
  4. Both a & b
3.  In the study by Wolfe et al. (2014), how did children with bilateral hearing loss reportedly understand best on the phone?
  1. Monaural phone input
  2. Binaural phone input
  3. No difference between monaural and binaural phone inputs
  4. Amplified phone without hearing aids
4.  Which of the following problems with telephone use was anecdotally reported by Wolfe et al. (2014)?
  1. Talking too long on the phone
  2. Not properly orienting the telephone to the hearing aid
  3. Talking too loudly while using the telephone (poor voice monitoring)
  4. None of these
5.  In the study by Munoz et al. (2014), approximately what percent of families reported that they felt their child did not need hearing aids or occasional use was okay?
  1. 10%
  2. 20%
  3. 30%
  4. 40%
6.  What factors were found to influence hearing aid use time in children?
  1. Parent's perceived benefit with hearing aids
  2. Parent frustration, confusion, or lack of confidence with device
  3. Child behavior challenges
  4. All of the above
7.  Which of the following statements regarding information sharing and parent education on hearing loss and hearing aids is correct? Parents prefer that Audiologists
  1. withhold some information initially so as not to overwhelm them
  2. provide all the information upfront, even though it may be overwhelming
  3. provide more information about support groups and other resources
  4. Both b & c
8.  In Cones (2015) study in infants, cortical auditory evoked potential (CAEP) responses to standard (frequent) vowel presentations were:
  1. Larger than those generated to deviant (infrequently presented) vowel tokens
  2. Smaller than those generated to deviant (infrequently presented) vowel tokens
  3. Equal in size to those generated to deviant (infrequently presented) vowel tokens
  4. Not measurable due to neural adaptation
9.  What adjustments do Bass and Bhagat recommend audiologists consider implementing during evaluations of children receiving cancer treatments?
  1. Bypass speech audiometry
  2. Test higher frequencies first in the following order: 8k, 4k, 6k, 3k, 2k Hz
  3. Only do bone conduction if a significant decrease in air conduction thresholds is observed
  4. All of the above
10.  The recommended post-treatment monitoring schedule for patients who received cranial radiation therapy includes hearing evaluations every 6 or 12 months for the 5 five years and
  1. No further evaluations thereafter
  2. Annual evaluations for 2 years thereafter
  3. Annual evaluations for 5 years thereafter
  4. Annual evaluations every year thereafter

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