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20Q: Acceptable Noise Level Test - Supporting Research and Clinical Insights

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1.  The ANL and speech-in-noise tests:
  1. predict hearing aid outcome
  2. predict hearing aid use
  3. are one and the same
  4. are not significantly correlated yet both add information that could be helpful to the hearing aid fitting
2.  ANL values are related to:
  1. age
  2. degree of hearing loss
  3. gender
  4. none of the above
3.  When calculating ANL, which of the following would be an appropriate speech stimuli to use?
  1. PB word lists
  2. running live speech with peaks at 0 on a VU meter
  3. Arizona Travelogue with male speaker
  4. white noise
4.  When conducting an ANL test, what is appropriate to use as the background noise if you want to compare results to normative data?
  1. twelve talker babble
  2. music
  3. pink noise
  4. white noise
5.  Which of the following can be said in regard to ANL and personality?
  1. there is no correlation between ANL and personality
  2. in general those with Type A personalities and those with lower self control are less tolerant of noise
  3. in general those with Type A personalities and those with lower self control are more tolerant of noise
  4. none of the above
6.  Studies of the impact have shown that extended high frequency bandwidth:
  1. has no impact or worsens the ANL value
  2. lowers ANL value
  3. normalizes the ANL value
  4. there have been no studies to date to look at the relationship
7.  How do visual cues impact aided ANL?
  1. they worsen the ANL
  2. they improve the ANL
  3. they have no impact
  4. no studies have been done on this
8.  The ANL test may be useful in the management of:
  1. patients who use hearing aids
  2. patients who use CIs
  3. both A & B
  4. none of the above
9.  In general, successful hearing aid users have:
  1. lower ANL values than unsuccessful hearing aid users
  2. higher ANL values than unsuccessful hearing aid users
  3. an ANL of 0
  4. lower ANL values after 6 months of hearing aid use
10.  In general, the ANL test is:
  1. widely researched
  2. emerging, with little published research on it
  3. developed for research use only
  4. used only in North America

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