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Mindfulness Based Tinnitus Stress Reduction: Tinnitus, Brain Functioning, and Mindfulness

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1.  The Mindfulness Based Tinnitus Stress Reduction (MBTSR) course,
  1. is a compliment to other management tools used to reduce tinnitus distress.
  2. should not be combined with any other tinnitus management tool.
  3. cannot be taken unless you currently are using hearing aids.
  4. should not be taken while the participant is using a sound generator.
2.  Mindfulness means being
  1. Present
  2. On purpose
  3. Without Judgment
  4. All of the above
3.  After taking the MBTSR course, participants in the Gans, et al (2013) study showed
  1. decreases in depression
  2. decreased anxiety
  3. increased Quality of Life
  4. All of the above
4.  The two kinds of tinnitus discussed in the webinar are:
  1. Loud and soft
  2. Bothersome and non-bothersome
  3. malignant and non-malignant
  4. passive and active
5.  The Mindfulness Based Tinnitus Stress Reduction is a
  1. one-week course
  2. 2-week course
  3. 4-week course
  4. 8-week course
6.  On the 6-days of the week in-between each 2-hour lesson participants are asked to:
  1. complete 30 minutes of home-practice exercises on their own each day
  2. complete 2 hours of home-practice exercises on their own each day
  3. ignore their tinnitus as best they can
  4. do nothing
7.  Executive Brain Functioning includes
  1. response flexibility
  2. emotion regulation
  3. fear modulation
  4. All of the above
8.  For all people with tinnitus
  1. Stress increases tinnitus bother; relaxation decreases tinnitus bother
  2. Hearing aids are the only cure
  3. Stress decreases tinnitus bother; relaxation increases tinnitus bother
  4. Ignoring tinnitus is the only thing that helps
9.  The top three complaints of people with bothersome tinnitus are:
  1. low motivation; over-excitement; lack of feeling
  2. headaches; body aches; restless leg syndrome
  3. depression; anxiety; sleep difficulty
  4. poor speech; poor vision; asthma
10.  Experienced meditators have been shown to have a larger ______ (Lazar et al 2005)
  1. Medial Pre-Frontal Cortex (mPFC)
  2. Brain Stem
  3. Spinal Chord
  4. Cochlea

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