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Exam Preview

Tales from the Fitting Room: Case Studies on the Cost and Benefit of FM Systems

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1.  What are the 3 basic components of an FM system?
  1. Microphone, In-The-Ear Hearing Aid, DAI port boot
  2. Microphone, Receiver, and Transmitter
  3. Speaker, Receiver, and Transmitter
  4. Car radio, hearing aid, receiver
2.  Which hearing loss configuration will likely benefit most from an FM system?
  1. Bilateral Mild, high frequency sensorineural hearing loss
  2. Bilateral sloping moderate-to-severe sensorineural hearing loss
  3. Bilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss
  4. Unilateral flat moderate conductive hearing loss
3.  How should the target speaker be instructed to place the FM microphone?
  1. Left on his or her desk, even when walking around the room while presenting
  2. In his or her back pocket, to prevent the speaker from looking "weird"
  3. The target speaker doesn't need instruction
  4. Around 6 inches directly below mouth, clipped to his or her shirt
4.  What is NOT considered a drawback of conventional FM systems
  1. Need to educate microphone wearer of proper mic placement
  2. Cost of the complete system
  3. Improvement in speech understanding in noise
  4. Incompatibility with ITE hearing aids without intermediate device
5.  Which scenario would you recommend FM system usage?
  1. In quiet, one-on-one conversations
  2. Listening to music
  3. Listening to a lecture
  4. When opening a bag of potato chips
6.  What FM transparency?
  1. When equal input to either the hearing aid microphones or the FM microphones results in equal output of the hearing aid
  2. When an FM system uses wireless transmission
  3. When equal input to either the hearing aid microphones or the FM microphones results in louder output when using the hearing aid microphones
  4. When the FM system provides no benefit, like it is invisible
7.  Which factors contribute to the increase in speech perception performance when using FM systems over hearing aids alone?
  1. Decreased signal-to-noise ratio, poor speech quality, speaker far from active microphone
  2. Increased Signal-to-Noise Ratio, limiting the effect of distance on speech quality, close proximity of speaker to microphone
  3. Speaker projects speech well, fashionable FM receivers, and increased negative effect of distance
  4. Decreased Signal-to-Noise Ratio, limiting the effect of distance on speech quality, close proximity of speaker to microphone
8.  According to the American Academy of Audiology, which frequencies are averaged for FM system transparency?
  1. 750, 1000, and 2000 Hz
  2. 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz
  3. 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz
  4. 500, 1500, and 3000 Hz
9.  Which of these non-audiologic factors is critical to success with FM systems?
  1. The patient's gender
  2. The patient's brand of hearing aid
  3. A great smile
  4. Self-advocacy
10.  At which SNR level does an FM system have the most drastic impact on speech perception compared to hearing aids alone?
  1. -10 SNR
  2. -5 SNR
  3. 0 SNR
  4. +5 SNR

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