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Exam Preview

Dynamic Learning and the Modern Classroom: The New Roger for Education Portfolio

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1.  Roger technology offers maximum performance and zero hassle when used use:
  1. Hearing aids (including bone conduction)
  2. Cochlear implants
  3. Classroom amplification systems
  4. Classroom multimedia technologies
  5. All of the above, Roger offers full compatibility
2.  Todays dynamic, modern classrooms require students to participate in:
  1. Frontal lecture
  2. Discussion in small groups
  3. Silent work time
  4. Exciting activities
  5. All of the above
3.  Children may interact with a variety of technology and teaching mediums in the classroom including
  1. Audiobooks
  2. Laptop or desktop computers
  3. Tablets or iPads
  4. Interactive whiteboards
  5. All of the above
4.  The new Roger Touchscreen mic is a classroom microphone used for teachers and teens offering __ microphone modes: ___&____.
  1. 1, lanyard mode
  2. 1, group work mode
  3. 4, Automatic, lanyard, group, and pointing modes
  4. 3, Automatic, lanyard, group
  5. 2, Lanyard and group
5.  When using the Roger Touchscreen Mic, small group mode is used for any independent group activities with 2-5 group members, including:
  1. group reading around the table
  2. in a circle on the floor
  3. with individual 1 to 1 instruction with the teacher
  4. any number of other activities
  5. All of the above
6.  The Roger Pass-around mic features improved functionality and hardware including:
  1. Improved indicator lights
  2. Smaller design for tiny hands
  3. multiple microphone modes
  4. Volume control and automatic mic sensitivity
  5. A, B & D
7.  When using the Roger Touchscreen and Pass-around Mic, up to ___ people can talk at once with seamless transitions
  1. 1
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2
  5. only the teacher
8.  The Roger Multimedia Hub provides access to children wearing hearing aids to take part in:
  1. Independent listening activities
  2. Classroom sessions using multimedia
  3. Interactive educational games on a tablet or iPad
  4. streaming of a multimedia signal while the teacher is teaching/talking
  5. all of the above
9.  Classroom amplification systems provide support and benefit for:
  1. The hearing impaired student
  2. The teacher
  3. Fellow classmates listening via soundfield
  4. A, B & C
  5. none of the above
10.  Roger Touchscreen Mic, Roger Pass-around and Roger Multimedia Hub are compatible with:
  1. All existing Roger for Education microphones including Roger inspiro and Roger DynaMic with Firmware version 4.0 or higher
  2. All existing Roger for Education microphones including Roger inspiro and Roger DynaMic with Firmware version 3.0 or higher
  3. All existing Roger for Education microphones including Roger inspiro and Roger DynaMic with Firmware version 2.0 or higher
  4. None, there is no backwards compatibility

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