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Exam Preview

Achieving Health Equity for LGBTQ People

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1.  Which of the following terms is not used to describe a person's sexual orientation?
  1. Bisexual
  2. Straight
  3. Transgender
  4. Lesbian
2.  We use the term "intersectionality" to talk about which of the following identities?
  1. Sexual Orientation
  2. Race
  3. Gender
  4. All of the above
3.  Which of the following terms is used to describe how one presents themselves through their behavior, mannerisms, speech patterns, dress, and hairstyles?
  1. Gender identity
  2. Gender expression
  3. Gender role
  4. All of the above
4.  Which of the following staff should receive training on how to make LGBTQ people feel welcome?
  1. Doctors and nurses
  2. Front desk workers
  3. Security officers
  4. All of the above
5.  Which of the following is an example of structural stigma that LGBTQ people may face when accessing health care?
  1. Intake forms that ask for the names of a patient's mother and father
  2. Restrooms that are only labeled "Men" and "Women" with no other options
  3. Policies that only allow for biological parents to make decisions about a child's health care needs
  4. All of the above
6.  A discussion with a staff member who says, "We don't care for gay people," may lead to:
  1. Interpersonal stigma
  2. Intrapersonal stigma
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of the above
7.  A Patients' Bill of Rights which does not protect LGBTQ people against discrimination is an example of:
  1. Intrapersonal stigma
  2. Interpersonal stigma
  3. Structural stigma
  4. None of the above
8.  Which of the following statements about a person's sexual orientation and gender identity are true?
  1. Everyone has both a sexual orientation and gender identity that they are born with. A person's sexual orientation may change over time but gender identity does not.
  2. Everyone is born with a sexual orientation and gender identity and neither can change over time.
  3. Everyone has both a sexual orientation and gender identity. If a person changes the way they describe either, they must not be telling the truth.
  4. Everyone has both a sexual orientation and gender identity. How they describe it may vary and change with time.
9.  If a patient tells you that he is bisexual, you can safely assume that he:
  1. Engages in sexual activity with men and women
  2. Engages is sexual activity with many different people
  3. Is less likely to use protection during sexual activity
  4. None of the above
10.  If you are unsure what name to use for a patient, how should you address them?
  1. By the name on their chart.
  2. Ask what they would like to be called.
  3. Just say excuse me.
  4. Address them as "Mr." or "Ms." followed by their last name.

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