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Exam Preview

Life is Loud: The Importance of Hearing Protection

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1.  Who is a good candidate for hearing protection?
  1. Children
  2. Adults
  3. People who work in loud environments
  4. All of the Above
2.  Which are the two main variables used to determine if a sound is dangerously loud and may cause noise induced hearing loss?
  1. Level and duration
  2. Impulse noise and exposure
  3. Spectrum and impulse noise
  4. Distance and Spectrum
3.  Exposure to loud sounds can also have non-auditory effects. Exposure to loud noise may impact:
  1. Cardiovascular system
  2. Cognitive performance
  3. Mental health (annoyance and stress)
  4. All of the Above
4.  We begin to become concerned with how loud a sound is when it reaches a level of ____ dB?
  1. 100
  2. 76
  3. 85
  4. 115
5.  What is an example of a sound than can cause immediate damage to hearing?
  1. Blender
  2. Hair Dryer
  3. Gun Shot
  4. City Traffic
6.  How do Mini-Filtered / Musicians earplugs provide improved sound quality over traditional solid earplugs?
  1. They are "flat attenuators", attenuating equality across all frequencies, which helps preserve sound quality
  2. They provide a boost in the high frequencies to provide a fuller sound quality
  3. They primarily reduce low frequencies to equalize sound
  4. They attenuate high frequencies more than low frequencies to enhance the bass
7.  What is the prevalence of noise-induced hearing loss to high-volume sounds in teens?
  1. 1 in 100
  2. 1 in 50
  3. 1 in 20
  4. 1 in 6
8.  Exposure to loud noise can result in:
  1. Hearing Loss
  2. Tinnitus
  3. Hyperacusis
  4. All of the Above
9.  All of the following are examples of hearing protection devices, except:
  1. Non custom plugs and earmuffs
  2. Custom earplugs
  3. Cotton balls
  4. Electric protection
10.  Promoting hearing protection products and services in your practice can:
  1. Allow you to expand your product portfolio
  2. Increase your involvement in the community
  3. Attract new patients / customers to your practice
  4. All of the above

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