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Exam Preview

Software-Based Hearing Profile Improves Hearing Aid Fitting Process

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1.  Why is it important to incorporate patient-specific factors into the fitting process?
  1. Each hearing-impaired person needs the service of a specifically educated HCP.
  2. The reimbursement of the insurance depends on these factors.
  3. HCPs and hearing-impaired people report that amplification, based on hearing threshold in quiet, does not always result in an entirely satisfying hearing aid fitting with respect to benefit and acceptance.
  4. Patient-specific factors are not important. The patients must accept the frequency-dependent amplification based on the pure-ton audiogram
2.  Speech intelligibility is not entirely explained by the pure-tone audiometric thresholds. Which additional factors have been researched?
  1. Gender and age
  2. Personality and motivation
  3. Age, cognition and various psychoacoustic measures such as frequency selectivity, temporal fine structure sensitivity and modulation thresholds
  4. Musicality, age and openness towards wearing a hearing aid
3.  After Serman, et al. (2017), there are relations between the benefit from several hearing aid settings that are suitable for daily-life and individual factors of the hearing impaired. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
  1. Size of the pinna
  2. Tonal working memory
  3. Loudness sensitivity
  4. Hearing aid experience
4.  How does the patient provide information about relevant factors for the individualized first fit?
  1. By filling out a fact sheet about himself
  2. Via a prescription of his ENT doctor
  3. Via a consulting interview
  4. By answering a 6-item questionnaire and conducting a short sound quiz
5.  What improvements were directly expected after the introduction of the Connexx Hearing Profile by all hearing care professionals?
  1. Patient’s involvement, motivation and acceptance
  2. Fitting duration and traceability
  3. Utility, comprehensibility and the estimation of the fitting support
  4. Simplicity
6.  How can hearing care professionals with initial professional degree benefit using the Connexx Hearing Profile?
  1. Reduction of the time needed to perform the fine tuning with unchanged patients' satisfaction
  2. Increase of the time needed to perform the fine tuning with unchanged patients' satisfaction
  3. Reduction of the time needed to perform the fine tuning with decreased patients' satisfaction
  4. Reduction of the time needed to perform the fine tuning with decreased motivation
7.  What did the HIS appreciate regarding the Connexx Hearing Profile in comparison to audiologists?
  1. Comprehensibility
  2. Provided support of the fitting
  3. Extent of valuable information
  4. All of the above
8.  Regarding some factors, all patients benefit from the Connexx Hearing Profile from the perspective of the hearing care professional. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
  1. Active involvement
  2. Motivation
  3. Reduced price for the hearing aid device
  4. Contribution of the patient to the fitting
9.  Which group of patients do particularly benefit from the Connexx Hearing Profile?
  1. Women
  2. Older and more experienced patients
  3. Patients fitted by audiologists
  4. Patients who frequently listen to music
10.  Which advantage did older patients report regarding the Connexx Hearing Profile?
  1. They retrieved more interesting information during the fitting
  2. They felt more involved
  3. They were more willing to take home the fitted hearing aids
  4. They reported a reduced amount of fine tuning performed by the HCP

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