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Connexx 8.5.15 Programming Software for Government Services

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1.  What might cause the Own Voice Processing (OVP) calibration to fail?
  1. The patient counts in a foreign language
  2. The background noise is excessive
  3. The patient looks straight ahead
  4. The patient is seated 4' from reflective surfaces
2.  The Own Voice Detection tab conveniently follows the ______________ tab on the navigation panel?
  1. Personalization
  2. Basic Tuning
  3. Configuration
  4. First Fit
3.  Own Voice Processing:
  1. Is the world's first genuine solution to the own voice issue
  2. Utilizes dual-processing paths
  3. Requires two BTEs or RICs with directional microphones & HD e2e
  4. All the above
4.  Where in Connexx can one find additional information for the new Styletto Connect SLIM RIC?
  1. Hearing Instruments>> Online Links
  2. Documentations>> Instructions
  3. Fitting>> Hearing Profile
  4. None of the above
5.  The new Styletto Connect SLIM RIC is programmed using the:
  1. Hi-Pro
  2. Noahlink wired
  3. Noahlink wireless
  4. All the above
6.  Which feature reduces conversational noise?
  1. Speech & Noise Management
  2. SoundSmoothing
  3. Directional Speech Enhancement
  4. None of the above
7.  Uncomfortably loud sounds are managed by adjusting the ______?
  1. Spatial Configurator
  2. MPO
  3. Sound Equalizer
  4. Frequency Shaping
8.  The Styletto Connect SLIM RIC is compatible with the:
  1. StreamLine TV
  2. StreamLine Mic
  3. A & B
  4. A only
9.  Which app is dedicated for use with Bluetooth-enabled hearing instruments, including the new Styletto SLIM RIC?
  1. myControl app
  2. myHearing app
  3. touchControl app
  4. SigniaBluetooth app
10.  Which statements are true regarding the StreamLine Mic?
  1. Provides direct connectivity for Android devices
  2. Provides hands-free phone calls
  3. Provides a remote-microphone mode
  4. All the above

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