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Exam Preview

Learning to Listen & Starting to Speak: Developing Aud./Oral Skills in a Child with Hrg Loss (HOPE)

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1.  An advantage to using an auditory curriculum is:
  1. it provides an organized hierarchical plan to facilitate development of auditory
  2. it provides accountability by monitoring and tracking progress.
  3. it provides the only time auditory skills should be targeted.
  4. a and b
2.  You should not advance to the next level in the hierarchy until a child has completely mastered the previous level.
  1. True
  2. False
3.  Suggested beginning speech sounds to target include:
  1. ah, m, n, l
  2. ee, b, n, f
  3. oo, w, d, sh
  4. ow, p, t, k
4.  Development of a speech sound repertoire and the ability to sequence sounds in simple and complex sequences are important aspects of speech intelligibility.
  1. True
  2. False
5.  Part of expanded sentence production includes:
  1. use of adjectives
  2. use of adverbs
  3. use of prepositional phrase
  4. all of the above

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