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MED-EL - Implant Experience - August 2023

Inaugural Au.D. Class at the Arizona School of Health Sciences


Thirty three students from 20 states will log onto their first distance education class this month. Enrolled in the doctor of audiology degree (Au.D.) program at the Arizona School of Health Sciences, students of all ages and experience levels will maneuver their way through multi-media presentations, quizzes, readings, papers and assignments. This is the first audiology class since the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools extended the institution's regional accreditation to include the Au.D. program in February, 2000.

''You are always a little nervous before a new endeavor. I want to make sure the students have an easy transition back into school and into the challenging realm of distance education. Many of the students have been out of school for 15 years or more,'' said Tabitha C. Parent-Buck, Au.D., audiology department chair. ASHS will continue to enroll new students each month through October, 2000, and then enrollment will be on a quarterly basis each year.

''Enrollment is a comprehensive process. Because this program is designed for practicing audiologist who wish to pursue higher education, we screen each candidate for strengths and weaknesses,'' said Parent-Buck.

In addition to applying to the program and providing necessary transcripts, licensure or certification documents and reference letters, students must take the Evaluation of Practicing Audiologists Capabilities. This assessment is one of the tools which helps determine a student's academic plan. Advanced standing is given to students based on existing competencies, while students must take courses in areas for which they lack skills and knowledge.

The ASH S curriculum, which was lauded by NCA site visitors, contains 44 courses (modules) which cover the broad scope of audiologic care, including topics such as neuroanatomy, tinnitus, central auditory processing, advanced hearing aid technology, hearing conservation and business courses. On average, students' individualized academic plans contain 6 to 12 courses which can be completed in a one year period. All students begin by taking Professional Roles and Responsibilities, a module designed to orient students to the use of interactive computer-based learning while presenting information regarding professional health care delivery teams. Remaining modules are prescribed following review of the applicant's entire file by the admissions committee and a phone interview for clarification and to determine additional elective coursework.

The distance education Au.D. program will be offered through 2004-2005. Au.D. program information, including the curriculum guide, faculty list, and application are available at or by phone at (602) 841-4077.

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