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Ask The Experts

Q&A from the most trusted names in audiology.

Search results for "Hearing Aids - Children" in Ask the Experts

Why Should I Be Thinking of Rechargeable Hearing Aids for All of My Patients?

Abigail Poyser, AuD

July 19, 2022

Why should I be thinking of rechargeable hearing aids for all of my patients?   Read More


Speech Intelligibility Index (SII) and Percentile Analysis: Must-Have Tools in Your Fitting Software

Anna Scala

May 16, 2022

How are the SII and Percentile Analysis tools used when fitting hearing aids?   Read More


What Considerations Should Be Taken Before Proceeding with Fitting Young Children with SSD?

Laurie Mauro, AuD, CCC-A

August 2, 2021

What considerations should be taken before proceeding with fitting young children with SSD?   Read More


When and Why Should I Consider a Link M Hearing Aid for my Patient Over Any Other Phonak or Non-Phonak Hearing Aid?

Brandy Pouliot, AuD

February 15, 2021

When and why should I consider a Link M hearing aid for my patient over any other Phonak or non-Phonak hearing aid?   Read More


How Can Patients Best Use Phonak Paradise Hearing Aids When Working Remotely?

Whitney Spagnola

December 15, 2020

How can patients best use Phonak Paradise hearing aids when working remotely?   Read More


What is the Pediatric Loaner Program from Oticon Medical?

Gabrielle Simone, AuD, CCC-A

January 6, 2020

What is the Pediatric Loaner Program?   Read More


How Do the Signature Features of Widex EVOKE Support Patients with Tinnitus?

Susan de Bondt, AuD

October 29, 2018

How do the signature features of Widex EVOKE support patients with tinnitus?   Read More


What is BrainHearing, and Why is it Our Guiding Star at Oticon Medical?

Mary Humitz, AuD, CCC-A, FAAA, Melissa Tumblin

September 24, 2018

What is BrainHearing, and why is it our guiding star at Oticon Medical?   Read More


How Do I Determine Which Roger Combination is Right for My Student?

Rebekah Cunningham, PhD

September 17, 2018

What are the differences in the Roger portfolio? Which one does my student need?   Read More


Hearing Loss in Only One Ear, "What's the Big Deal?"

Mary Humitz, AuD, CCC-A, FAAA, Melissa Tumblin

August 27, 2018

Hearing loss in only one ear, “what’s the big deal?”   Read More


Is There an Interactive Counseling Tool for Parents to Use with Roger?

Rebekah Cunningham, PhD

August 20, 2018

Is there an interactive counseling tool for parents to use with Roger?   Read More


How Do We Determine Bone Conduction Candidacy in Children?

Mary Humitz, AuD, CCC-A, FAAA, Melissa Tumblin

July 30, 2018

How do we determine bone conduction candidacy in children?   Read More


How Does Roger Contribute to Incidental Learning?

Rebekah Cunningham, PhD

July 23, 2018

How does Roger contribute to incidental learning?   Read More


Can I Use My Hearing Instrument Fitting System to Verify Frequency Lowering Hearing Aid Technology?

Danielle Glista, PhD

September 11, 2017

Can I use my hearing instrument fitting system to verify current frequency lowering (FL) hearing aid technology?   Read More


What are the Practical Benefits of Automated Verification Using Aurical?

Peter Kossek, Wendy Switalski, AuD

May 8, 2017

What are the practical benefits of automated verification using Aurical?   Read More


What is the Difference Between Hearing Aid Verification and Validation?

Peter Kossek, Angela Flores, AuD, CCC-A, FAAA

April 3, 2017

What is hearing aid verification, and how is it different from validation? Why is verification an important part of the fitting process?   Read More


Have There Been Any New Changes to Phonak Sky V, CROS II or Roger Focus?

Angela Pelosi

March 7, 2017

Since Phonak Sky V, CROS II and Roger Focus have been available in the market for a while, are there any new changes you have made to them?   Read More


Why Are Speech Mapping Targets Sometimes Below the Patient's Thresholds?

H. Gustav Mueller, PhD

February 20, 2017

Why is it that sometimes my speech mapping targets in the high frequencies are below the patient’s thresholds? This has to be some calculation mistake, right? Don’t we want audibility?   Read More


Can You Show an Example of a Hearing Aid Directional Test?

Dave Smriga, MA

September 12, 2016

I’m just getting started at measuring hearing aid directionality in my test box. Do you have an example of what such a measurement might look like?   Read More


How Does SoundRecover2 Frequency Lowering Technology Work?

Angela Pelosi

August 8, 2016

Can you briefly describe how Phonak's new SoundRecover2 frequency lowering technology works?   Read More


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