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Exam Preview

Brain Plasticity and Hearing Aid Use: What the Research Says and How to Apply It Clinically

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1.  The article described in this podcast is an example of which of the following?
  1. Use of clinical judgement
  2. A systematic review
  3. Crowd sourcing
  4. Diagnosis
2.  In this podcast, what was the central question discussed?
  1. Does hearing aid use in older adults drive improvements in speech perception over time?
  2. Is the brain plastic?
  3. Does hearing aid use in adults foster a greater sense of independence?
  4. Does hearing aid use improve quality of life?
3.  The review article discussed in this podcast systematically analyzed ___ studies, after a careful search of more than 6000 studies.
  1. 12
  2. 24
  3. 6
  4. 3
4.  Which of the following was a chief finding of this systematic review?
  1. Most of the studies reviewed by the authors reported evidence for hearing aid-induced brain plasticity
  2. None of the studies reviewed reported evidence for hearing aid-induced brain plasticity
  3. Inconclusive results, therefore, no finding was made by the authors
  4. All 12 studies showed overwhelming and dramatic findings that brain plasticity occurs but only within the first month of hearing aid use
5.  What type of changes over time were analyzed by the authors and reported in this podcast?
  1. Loudness tolerance
  2. Speech perception in noise
  3. Frequency discrimination
  4. Physical comfort

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