Contributing Editors. As always, we have some great items from our Contributing Editors. These are all CEU eligible, so earn your CEUs as you read our premium content. Take a look:
- Melinda Freyaldenhoven, Ph.D., "Acceptable Noise Level (ANL): Research and Current Application"
- Holly Hosford-Dunn, Ph.D., "Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Part III: Acquiring and Retaining Customers"
- Theresa Hnath Chisolm, Ph.D., "Making Use of Systematic Reviews, EBP for Clinicians"
- A.U. Bankaitis, Ph.D., "Cerumen Management: Mechanical Removal"
- Kamran Barin, Ph.D., "The Fixation Suppression Test in ENG Evaluation"
Until Next Month. Please take time view the latest AO news and information links listed to the right of this email and on our home page, and as always, thanks for reading.
Best regards,
Paul Dybala, Ph.D. - Audiologist
President & Editor-in-Chief, Audiology Online