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Signia Conversation - March 2024

CEU Courses

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Financial Management Through the Storm
ReSound CEU courses
Presented by Jonathan McGiverin
Recorded Webinar
Course: #35108Level: Introductory1 Hour
No CEUs/Hours Offered
This course will discuss areas each practice can focus on to build a stronger financial plan to make it through shutdowns and social distancing. We will review how to set a budget, prioritize expenses and negotiate better terms to preserve cash for ramp up.

Signia TeleCare for Government Services
Signia CEU courses
Recorded Webinar
Course: #35131Level: Introductory0.25 Hours
No CEUs/Hours Offered
TeleCare, a teleaudiology tool from Signia, offers professionals the convenience and flexibility to manage patients’ hearing-aid needs from a distance. Learn how to implement fine-tuning adjustments sent directly from the Connexx fitting software to the patient’s hearing instruments via the Signia App.

Telehealth: Tips and Tricks Learned from Providing Virtual Care to Veterans
AudiologyOnline CEU courses
Presented by David Jedlicka, AuD, Tia Oliverio, AuD, Meghan Kennedy, AuD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #34800Level: Introductory1 Hour
The course will discuss how telehealth can be provided to patients using case study examples. The topics included in this lecture will discuss: hearing aid fittings, hearing aid follow-ups, tinnitus treatment, and cochlear implants.

Why Choose ReSound - Part 1
ReSound CEU courses
Presented by Tammy Stender, AuD, Jill Mecklenburger, AuD, Debra Castor, AuD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #34675Level: Intermediate2 Hours
This course provides an opportunity for attendees to expand their knowledge of ReSound LiNX Quattro and ENZO Q hearing instrument product choices available for the patients they serve. The program is designed with the clinician in mind to present relevant, timely topics to further their analysis of technology and patient options offered by ReSound and to address patient needs in this rapidly advancing technological era. We welcome everyone to this course but it should be noted it will be geared to Government Service hearing care professionals.

Why Choose ReSound - Part II
ReSound CEU courses
Presented by Tammy Stender, AuD, Jill Mecklenburger, AuD, Debra Castor, AuD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #34679Level: Intermediate2 Hours
This course provides an opportunity for attendees to expand their knowledge of ENZO Q hearing instrument product choices available for the patients they serve. The program is designed with the clinician in mind to present relevant, timely topics to further their analysis of technology and patient options offered by ReSound and to address patient needs in this rapidly advancing technological era. We welcome everyone to this course but it should be noted it will be geared to Government Service hearing care professionals.

Third Party Networks: The How, Who and Why of it
Signia CEU courses
Presented by Holly Dean, Melanie O'Brien
Recorded Webinar
Course: #35028Level: Introductory0.75 Hours
No CEUs/Hours Offered
In this course, we will cover the basics of Third-Party Networks and the best ways to maximize their benefits for your practice.

Writing and Publishing a Case Study: Guidelines for AuD Students and Practicing Audiologists
AudiologyOnline CEU courses
Presented by Antony Joseph, AuD, PhD, James W. Hall III, PhD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #34703Level: Intermediate1 Hour
In this Webinar we review the process for preparing a case study for publication, including the importance of securing informed consent from the patient. We will also provide guidelines for submitting case study manuscripts to an appropriate journal.

Beltone Tinnitus Management-An Overview
Beltone CEU courses
Presented by Tobi Maxwell, MS
Recorded Webinar
Course: #34688Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This course will provide an overview of why tinnitus sound generators exist and the use of Beltone's Tinnitus Breaker Pro. We will also explore the functionality of the Beltone Tinnitus Calmer App and the benefit of utilizing both of these great features for our patients suffering from tinnitus.

Infection Control: Precautions, Prevention and Preparedness: Minimizing Risk of Infection in the Hearing Healthcare Workplace
Starkey CEU courses
Presented by Michele Hurley, AuD, FAAA
Recorded Webinar
Course: #34612Level: Intermediate1 Hour
As new diseases emerge and society becomes more mobile, the threat of disease spread in our professional workplaces is real and serious. By nature, hearing healthcare professionals interact frequently with vulnerable individuals, namely the elderly and very young. These individuals present in our practices with health conditions and other factors that place them at high risk for contracting or spreading infection. It is critical that hearing professionals are practicing in a manner that ensures the safety of themselves, staff and especially patients. This course will focus on how disease may spread in the professional workplace, the development and most importantly implementation of an exemplary infection control protocol, including ways to manage patient connections in times of outbreak.

Assessment for hearing aid fitting during COVID-19 with hearX Self Test Kit
ReSound CEU courses
Presented by De Wet Swanepoel
Recorded Webinar
Course: #34936Level: Introductory0.5 Hours
No CEUs/Hours Offered
ReSound has teamed up with hearX to combine four steps into one automated flow for patients utilizing a tablet with calibrated headsets. Patients can be given the items curbside or can have it delivered to their home. With ReSound Assist Live, you can help guide them through the process in less than 10 minutes, collecting all the data you need for an assessment of their hearing loss.

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