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Ask The Experts

Q&A from the most trusted names in audiology.

Search results for "Tinnitus and Hyperacusis" in Ask the Experts

What Are the Tinnitus App Statistics for the ReSound Relief App?

Michael Piskosz, MS

September 23, 2019

What are the tinnitus app statistics for the ReSound Relief app?   Read More


How Accessible is the ReSound Relief App?

Michael Piskosz, MS

August 19, 2019

How accessible is the ReSound Relief app for patients with tinnitus?   Read More


Can I Personalize the ReSound Relief App?

Michael Piskosz, MS

July 19, 2019

Can I personalize the ReSound Relief app for my patients with tinnitus?   Read More


What are the Components of Widex ZEN Therapy?

Susan de Bondt, AuD

November 26, 2018

What are the components of Widex ZEN Therapy?   Read More


What Does a Complete Tinnitus Evaluation Comprise Of?

Brianna Young, AuD, FAAA

October 29, 2018

What does a comprehensive tinnitus evaluation comprise of?   Read More

How Do the Signature Features of Widex EVOKE Support Patients with Tinnitus?

Susan de Bondt, AuD

October 29, 2018

How do the signature features of Widex EVOKE support patients with tinnitus?   Read More


How Can I Find the Half Octaves in Tinnitus Matching?

Karen Morris, MS, CCC-A

September 17, 2018

How can I find the half octaves in tinnitus matching?   Read More


Why Perform Tinnitus Assessment?

Brianna Young, AuD, FAAA

September 14, 2018

Why should we conduct tinnitus assessments for our patients?   Read More

Where Does an Audiologist Begin When Assessing a Patient with Tinnitus?

Clement Sanchez, Wendy Switalski, AuD

September 12, 2016

Is tinnitus considered a hearing disorder? Where does an audiologist begin when assessing a patient with tinnitus symptoms?   Read More

How Does AURICAL Support Tinnitus Assessment and Management?

Wendy Switalski, AuD

October 5, 2015

I'm thinking about adding tinnitus management services to my practice. How does AURICAL support tinnitus assessment and management?   Read More


What's New with the ReSound Tinnitus Portfolio?

Michael Piskosz, MS

February 16, 2015

What's new with the ReSound tinnitus portfolio?   Read More

How Does the Otometrics MADSEN Astera2 Support Tinnitus Management?

Clement Sanchez, Wendy Switalski, AuD

January 5, 2015

How does the Otometrics MADSEN Astera2 support tinnitus assessment and management?   Read More


How Do I Get Started Offering Tinnitus Management Services in my Practice?

Casie Keaton, AuD, CCC-A

October 6, 2014

I'm thinking of offering tinnitus services in my audiology practice next year. How do I get started?   Read More


Is Developing a Tinnitus Specialty a Challenge?

Casie Keaton, AuD, CCC-A

August 25, 2014

I’m thinking about adding tinnitus services to my practice. Is developing a tinnitus specialty a challenge?   Read More


Why Should I Consider Adding Tinnitus Services to My Practice?

Casie Keaton, AuD, CCC-A

June 30, 2014

Why would an audiologist want to develop a tinnitus specialty?   Read More


Why do I Need Tinnitus Features in Hearing Aids?

Michael Piskosz, MS, CCC-A

June 23, 2014

Why do I need tinnitus features in the hearing aid when patients report relief even without any special features?   Read More


Who are Candidates for the Neuromonics Haven Product?

Curtis Amann, MBA

February 17, 2014

How does the new Haven product fit in to the Neuromonics portfolio? Who are candidates for it?   Read More

Why Has there Been a Resurgence of Interest in Treating Tinnitus?

Curtis Amann, MBA

December 9, 2013

Why do you think there has been a resurgence of interest in treating tinnitus? Does the high incidence of tinnitus in returning veterans have something to do with it?   Read More

Can Starkey’s Xino Tinnitus be Used for Sound Therapy as Well as a Hearing Instrument?

Elizabeth A. Galster, AuD

November 11, 2013

Can Starkey’s Xino Tinnitus be used for sound therapy as well as a hearing instrument?   Read More


Using Tinnitus Questionnaires in Treatment

Robert W. Sweetow, PhD

September 30, 2013

When using serial questionnaires to measure a tinnitus patient's progress, do you let the patient see their previous results?   Read More

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