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MED-EL - Bonebridge - August 2023

Hearing Evaluation Adults CEU Courses

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What’s New With GSI
Grason-Stadler (GSI) CEU courses
Presented by Karen Morris, MS, CCC-A
Recorded Webinar
Course: #40213Level: Introductory0.5 Hours
GSI continues to address the needs of practicing hearing healthcare professionals in an ever-changing environment. Updates to current products, new products, and new features will be discussed in this presentation.

Practical Video Otoscopy: Everyday Clinical Imaging of the External/Middle Ear
INVENTIS • Audiology & Balance Equipment CEU courses
Presented by Clayton Fisher, M.Cl.Sc
Recorded Webinar
Course: #40298Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This webinar, presented by Clayton Fisher, M.Cl.Sc., focuses on the advancements in video otoscopy technology and its critical role in modern audiology practices. Attendees will learn about different device options, practical tips for usage, and clinical examples that highlight the benefits of video otoscopy in diagnosis, documentation, and patient engagement.

20Q: Auditory Neuropathy and Auditory Synaptopathy - Genotyping and Phenotyping
AudiologyOnline CEU courses
Presented by Linda J. Hood, PhD
Course: #40220Level: Advanced2 Hours
This course discusses new developments in genotyping and phenotyping auditory neuropathy and auditory synaptopathy (AN/AS). Background information, evaluation, and management are discussed.

A Comprehensive Overview of Auditory Brainstem Responses (ABR)
INVENTIS • Audiology & Balance Equipment CEU courses
Presented by Stavros Hatzopoulos, PhD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #40228Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This webinar offers a concise overview of Auditory Brainstem Responses (ABR), focusing on their clinical applications and diagnostic relevance. Key topics include ABR protocols, waveform analysis, and their role in hearing screening, diagnosis, and intraoperative monitoring.

eAudiology: Mobile Audiology Workshop: Is Launching a Successful Mobile Practice a Pipe Dream, or Is It Your Untapped Key to True Brand Differentiation?
American Academy of Audiology CEU courses
Presented by Bradley Stewart, AuD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #40120Level: Introductory1 Hour
This course discusses whether a mobile or house call audiology program is right for you and your business. This course covers a business analysis so that you can determine for yourself if mobile audiology is what you've been missing to create a truly differentiated and unique service offering in your market.

Management of Veterans with Severe Hearing Loss, presented in partnership with AVAA
AudiologyOnline CEU courses
Presented by David R. Friedmann, MD, MSc
Recorded Webinar
Course: #40122Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This presentation highlights our recent studies focusing on the clinical management of Veterans with severe hearing loss. We describe the prevalence and characteristics of our cohort and the process of hearing care delivery for these individuals.

Evidence-Based Adult Cochlear Implant Counseling Using the CIQOL Instruments, in partnership with American Auditory Society
AudiologyOnline CEU courses
Presented by Teddy McRackan, MD, MSCR
Recorded Webinar
Course: #40075Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This course explains how the Cochlear Implant Quality of Life instruments provide a greater understanding regarding adult cochlear implant outcomes and how these tools can be used to improve individual patient decision-making during preimplant counseling.

Hello Pello! Tips and Tricks for Efficient Testing With FW 2.5
Grason-Stadler (GSI) CEU courses
Presented by Laura Prigge, AuD, Tony Lombardo, MS
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39999Level: Introductory1 Hour
Today’s busy clinic requires fast and accurate testing, and the GSI Pello 1.5 channel audiometer provides the tools to meet the demands of hearing healthcare providers. This course provides an in-depth overview of the Pello FW version 2.5 and the new configuration application. Additionally, the course provides tips and tricks for selecting the appropriate license and customizing settings to ensure maximum productivity.

The Emerging Role of Automated Audiometry for Patients Undergoing Therapies at risk for Ototoxicity
SHOEBOX Ltd. CEU courses
Presented by Renée Lefrançois, M.S.c.
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39949Level: Intermediate0.5 Hours
Patients undergoing treatments for ototoxicty often do not have access to hearing testing which could help prevent permanent, disabling hearing loss. This webinar provides insights into the challenges faced by these patients, reviews the critical need to integrate audiological services into their care, and discusses how automated audiometry can help bridge this gap in hearing healthcare.

Empowered Patients, Efficient Practices: Candidacy and Evaluation
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Heather Strader, AuD, CCC-A, Molly Smeal, AuD, CCC-A, Kathleen Sheets, AuD, CCC-A
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39632Level: Intermediate1 Hour
AB is excited to offer a five-part series that focuses on empowering patients and creating more efficient practices. Join us for part two of this series to learn about efficiencies in CI counseling and evaluation, and how accessible digital tools can empower patients. 

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