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Read CEU articles and transcripts from experts in audiology and industry.

The Essential Building Blocks of Hearing Aid Selection and Fitting: A Beginner's Guide to Applying Evidence-Based Thinking

Brian Taylor, AuD

July 14, 2008

Before a patient begins using hearing aids, there are several essential components of the selection and fitting process the audiologist must account for in order for the patient to achieve maximum ben...   Read More

The Economics of Computer-Based Auditory Training

Brian Taylor, AuD, Al Shrive, AuD

July 7, 2008

Most audiologists agree that fitting hearing aids is just the initial step in the treatment of acquired hearing loss in adults, as there is evidence of the effectiveness of aural rehabilitation to imp...   Read More


Negative Synergy: Hearing Loss and Aging

Donald J. Schum, PhD, Douglas Beck, AuD

June 23, 2008

Basic audiometric measures do not offer a comprehensive description of the speech understanding ability or difficulty of patients. Speech understanding is complex and complicated. Individual cognitive...   Read More

The Medical Referral Marketing Process - The Alternative to Advertising

Rich Hachenburg

June 16, 2008

Marketing may not be the most emphasized topic in audiology programs around the country, if it is even covered much at all. Most private practice audiologists would agree, however, that successful mar...   Read More

Gaining an Agreement from Your Patient: Things You Probably Didn't Learn in Graduate School

Ron Anderson

June 9, 2008

Most audiologists have been trained to diagnose hearing disorders and treat hearing loss with non-surgical intervention. No one would argue that audiologists are the best-equipped professionals for ex...   Read More


Laboratory Measures of Hearing Aid Outcome: More Than Just Nostalgia for the '70s

Brian Taylor, AuD

May 12, 2008

70s Night" is popular in the United States. Just about every major sports team playing more than 25 games a season devotes one night per year to all the novelties of the 1970s. Wide collars, long hair...   Read More

Audiology and HIV: Developing Best Clinical Health Practices

Susan Cuttler, AuD, CCC-A, Vickie L. Adams, AuD, CCC-A

April 28, 2008

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that causes AIDS (acquired immune-deficiency syndrome). Because the known means of HIV transmission, the exchange of bodily fluids, is not a typical...   Read More


Case Study Outcomes of Hearing Impaired Listeners Using Nonlinear Frequency Compression Technology

Marlene Bagatto, AuD, Susan Scollie, PhD, Danielle Glista, MSc, Vijay Parsa, PhD, Richard Seewald, PhD

March 17, 2008

Providing audibility of a wide range of input levels from a broad frequency spectrum is a goal of any hearing aid fitting. For listeners with high-frequency sensorineural hearing loss, this goal can b...   Read More

Musicians and the Prevention of Hearing Loss: An Introduction

Marshall Chasin, AuD

January 28, 2008

Editor's Note: Dr. Chasin has provided an excellent overview of how musicians might effectively prevent music-induced hearing loss. I would encourage you to download and read the three PDF addendums p...   Read More

Fabry Files: Biggest Audiology News Stories of 2007

Dave Fabry, PhD

January 7, 2008

It's that time of year - the time when everyone puts out a list of the "top items" in a given category. I took the liberty of going through the Audiology Online news files and selecting what I thought...   Read More

The Future is Here: The Otologics Fully Implantable Hearing System

Robert M. Traynor, EdD, MBA, John M. Fredrickson, MD

November 19, 2007

Traditional electronic hearing aids have evolved to various stages of development since their inception in the late 19th century. The continuing development of electronic amplification using technolog...   Read More


Transcript From the Live Session - Coding and Billing QNA

Robert C. Fifer, PhD

November 12, 2007

Editor's Note - The following is a partial transcript from the Coding and Billing QNA Live e-Seminar that was conducted on Audiology Online on June 27, 2007. (The recorded version is available here )....   Read More

Assessment and Management of Minimal, Mild, and Unilateral Hearing Loss in Children

Anne Marie Tharpe, PhD

October 29, 2007

There has recently been a renewed interest in the topic of minimal and mild hearing loss in children. Although the term "minimal hearing loss" has not been standardized, the Bess, Dodd-Murphy, and Par...   Read More


Self-Report Assessment of Hearing Aid Outcome - An Overview

Brian Taylor, AuD

October 22, 2007

Patients have always provided clinicians with real-world outcome assessments of their hearing aids. Watson and Tolan (1949) and Davis and Silverman (1947) both address the importance of gathering info...   Read More


CENTRA Active - Combining Water Resistance and Rechargeable Batteries with Receiver-in-the-Canal Technology

Josef Chalupper, Thomas A. Powers, PhD, Eric Branda, MS, CCC-A

October 15, 2007

One of the biggest fitting challenges for hearing care professionals is handling the high expectations of hearing instrument users. With modern technology, wearers seek high speech intelligibility in...   Read More

Learning the Art to Apply the Science: Common Questions Related to Pediatric Hearing Instrument Fitting

Marlene Bagatto, AuD, Sheila T. Moodie, PhD, MCISc

October 8, 2007

Pediatric audiologists rely on evidence-based procedures when fitting hearing aids to their young patients. Although the science is concrete and clinically feasible, there are some practical topics of...   Read More


Applying Expansion in Hearing Aid Fittings: Subjective and Objective Findings

Patrick N. Plyler, PhD, CCC-A

October 1, 2007

One goal of wide-dynamic-range compression (WDRC) hearing instruments is to improve the audibility of low-level, high-frequency speech cues necessary for accurate speech understanding (Johnson, 1993;...   Read More

Indiana Jones & the Lost of Art of Tuning Fork Testing

Max Stanley Chartrand, PhD, BC-HIS

September 24, 2007

As in an Indiana Jones adventure, we search for the lost art of tuning fork testing like that used before the advent of modern electronic audiometers, impedance audiometry, real-ear measurement system...   Read More


Changes in Hearing Aid Benefit Over Time: An Evidence-Based Review

Brian Taylor, AuD

September 17, 2007

Exactly how long a hearing aid user must wait to be sure amplification is providing "benefit" in everyday listening situations remains unclear. Audiologists have wrestled with the question of hearing...   Read More


Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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