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Widex SmartRic - November 24

CEU Courses

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Vestibular Function in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury, presented in partnership with Vanderbilt University
AudiologyOnline CEU courses
Presented by Daniel Romero, AuD, PhD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39961Level: Advanced1 Hour
This presentation delves into the current understanding of vestibular function in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) experiencing chronic imbalance. This talk highlights recent findings and case studies, ongoing challenges, and potential future research directions.

Strategies for Crafting a More Natural Hearing Experience
Widex CEU courses
Presented by Amanda Albertsen, AuD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39990Level: Intermediate1 Hour
In the pursuit of providing the most authentic and natural hearing experience for the wearer, artificial manipulation of the amplified sound should be minimized as much possible, but that is not easy to do. In this course, we will delve into the distinctive features of the Widex Sound Philosophy, examining how they work and the impact on both providers and wearers. The substantial, evidence-supported advantages will also be explored.

Starkey Government Services: Elevating the November 2024 Contract
Starkey CEU courses
Presented by Andrea Hannan-Dawkes, AuD, FAAA
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39963Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Starkey continues to deliver better hearing for all with next generation hearing aid technology that makes it easy to deliver maximum benefit for a diverse range of patients. This session will provide an overview of the Starkey products, features and accessories included in the November 2024 contract.

Esteem® Implant Advanced Programming Course
Envoy Medical CEU courses
Presented by Caroline Arnedt, AuD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39966Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This course reviews Esteem Implant Technology, device use, and device troubleshooting and programming, with particular attention given to managing feedback and changes in residual hearing. Programming recommendations for particular recipient sound quality issues will also be provided.

The Patient Perspective: What Your Clients Need from You
AudiologyOnline CEU courses
Presented by Shari Eberts, Gael Hannan
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39939Level: Introductory1 Hour
To live well with hearing loss clients must employ non-technical dynamics that are often underrepresented or overlooked in standard clinical practice, such as the reframing of attitudes towards hearing loss, and embracing a range of non-technical behavioral game-changers. This course introduces client-centered concepts to help them become stronger self-advocates, better builders of relationships and equipped to improve almost any listening situation.

The Emerging Role of Automated Audiometry for Patients Undergoing Therapies at risk for Ototoxicity
SHOEBOX Ltd. CEU courses
Presented by Renée Lefrançois, M.S.c.
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39949Level: Intermediate0.5 Hours
Patients undergoing treatments for ototoxicty often do not have access to hearing testing which could help prevent permanent, disabling hearing loss. This webinar provides insights into the challenges faced by these patients, reviews the critical need to integrate audiological services into their care, and discusses how automated audiometry can help bridge this gap in hearing healthcare.

20Q: What Exactly is “Normal” Hearing?
AudiologyOnline CEU courses
Presented by Christopher Spankovich, AuD, PhD, MPH
Course: #39616Level: Intermediate1.5 Hours
This course provides an overview of rationale for revising nomenclature for describing hearing loss.

Textbook CE Course: Audiology Services in Diverse Communities: A Tool to Help Clinicians Working With Spanish-Speaking Patients and Families
AudiologyOnline CEU courses
Presented by Alejandra Ullauri, AuD, MPH
Course: #39962Level: Advanced16.5 Hours
As the U.S. population grows more diverse, healthcare providers must adapt to meet the needs of different communities, yet many lack the resources to effectively serve Spanish-speaking patients. "Audiology Services in Diverse Communities" offers clinicians culturally competent strategies and bilingual tools to improve care and communication with minority patients.

Clinical Development of Sentio - Then, Now, and Future
Oticon Medical CEU courses
Presented by Marianne Philipsson
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39935Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This course provides an in-depth look at the clinical development of the Sentio system, focusing on its design, implementation, and application in patient care. Learners will explore the system's innovative features and gain practical insights into its role in improving clinical outcomes.

Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials in a Pediatric Practice
AudiologyOnline CEU courses
Presented by Shanda Brashears, AuD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #39954Level: Advanced1 Hour
This course explores how to use the Cortical Auditory Evoked Potential for verifying hearing technologies on the user, evaluating the severity of Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder, and evaluating pediatric patients with Auditory Processing Disorders. Real world Cortical tracings and how to apply normative data to them are discussed.

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